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A Hook that provides methods and state information associated with the entire editor.

const { connectors, actions, query, ...collected } = useEditor(collector);



  • collector(state: EditorState, query: Query) => Collected
    A function that collects relevant state information from the editor state. The component will re-render when the values returned by this function changes.


  • Object
    • connectorsObject
      • select(dom: HTMLElement, nodeId: NodeId) => HTMLElement
        Specifies the DOM that when clicked will in turn click the specified Node's user component
      • hover(dom: HTMLElement, nodeId: NodeId) => HTMLElement
        Specifies the DOM that when hovered will in turn hover the specified Node's user component
      • drag(dom: HTMLElement, nodeId: NodeId) => HTMLElement
        Specifies the DOM that when dragged will move the specified Node's user component. Only applicable if the component is rendered as an immediate child of a <Canvas /> component.
      • create(dom: HTMLElement, userElement: React.ReactElement) => HTMLElement
        Specifies the DOM that when dragged will create a new instance of the specified User Element at the drop location.
    • actionsActionMethods
      • add(nodes: Node, parentId?: NodeId, index?: number) => void
        Add a Node to the given parent node ID at the specified index. By default the parentId is the id of the Root Node
      • addNodeTree(tree: NodeTree, parentId?: NodeId) => void
        Add a NodeTree to the given parent node ID at the specified index. By default the parentId is the id of the Root Node
      • clearEvents() => void
        Resets the editors events state
      • delete(nodeID: NodeId) => void
        Delete the specified Node
      • deserialize(data: SerializedNodes | string) => void
        Recreate Nodes from a SerializedNodes object/json. This will clear all the current Nodes in the editor state with the recreated Nodes
      • move(nodeId: NodeId, targetParentId: NodeId, index: number) => void
        Move a Node to the specified parent Node at the given index.
      • setProp(nodeId: NodeId, update: (props: Object) => void) => void
        Manipulate the props of the given Node
      • setCustom(nodeId: NodeId, update: (custom: Object) => void) => void
        Manipulate the custom values of the given Node
      • setHidden(nodeId: NodeId, bool: boolean) => void
        When set to true, the User Component of the specified Node will be hidden, but not removed
      • setOptions(options: Object) => void
        Update the editor's options. The options object passed is the same as the <Editor /> props.
      • selectNode(nodeId: NodeId | null) => void
        Select the specified node. You can clear the selection by passing `null`
      • history
        • undo() => void
          Undo the last recorded action
        • redo() => void
          Redo the last undone action
        • ignore() => ActionMethods
          Run an action without recording its changes in the history
        • throttle(throttleRate: number = 500) => ActionMethods
          Run an action while throttling its changes recorded to the history. This is useful if you need to group the changes made by a certain action as a single history record within a specified time window (throttleRate).
        • merge() => ActionMethods
          Run an action and merge its changes into the latest recorded history entry. This is useful for combining multiple related changes into a single history record.
    • queryQueryMethods
      • getSerializedNodes() => SerializedNodes
        Return the current Nodes into a simpler form safe for storage
      • serialize() => String
        Return getSerializedNodes() in JSON
      • getOptions() => Object
        Get the options specified in the <Editor /> component
      • getDropPlaceholder(sourceNodeId: NodeId, targetNodeId: NodeId, pos: {x: number, y: number}, nodesToDOM?: (node: Node) => HTMLElement = node => node.dom)
        Given the target Node and mouse coordinates on the screen, determine the best possible location to drop the source Node. By default, the Node's DOM property is taken into consideration.
      • node(id: NodeId) => NodeHelpers
        Returns an object containing helper methods to describe the specified Node. Click here for more information.
      • parseReactElement(element: React.ReactElement) => Object
        • toNodeTree(normalize?: (node: Node, jsx: React.ReactElement) => void) => NodeTree
          Parse a given React element into a NodeTree
      • parseSerializedNode(node: SerializedNode) => Object
        • toNode(normalize?: (node: Node) => void) => Node
          Parse a serialized Node back into it's full Node form
      • parseFreshNode(node: FreshNode) => Object
        • toNode(normalize?: (node: Node) => void) => Node
          Parse a fresh/new Node object into it's full Node form, ensuring all properties of a Node is correctly initia lised. This is useful when you need to create a new Node.
      • history
        • canUndo() => boolean
          Returns true if undo is possible
        • canRedo() => boolean
          Returns true if redo is possible
    • inContextboolean
      Returns false if the component is rendered outside of the <Editor />. This is useful if you are designing a general component that you also wish to use outside of Craft.js.
    • ...collectedCollected
      The collected values returned from the collector


Collecting state information

import {useEditor} from "@craftjs/core";

const Example = () => {
const { hoveredNodeId } = useEditor((state) => ({

return (
The ID of the node currently being hovered is: {hoveredNodeId}

Updating props

import {useEditor} from "@craftjs/core";

const Example = () => {
const { selectedNodeId, actions: {setProp} } = useEditor((state) => ({

return (
onClick={_ => {
setProp(selectedNodeId, props => {
props.text = "new value";

Creating new Nodes

import {useEditor} from "@craftjs/core";

const Example = () => {
const { query, actions } = useEditor((state, query) => ({

return (
<a onClick={() => {
const nodeTree = query.parseReactElement(<h2>Hi</h2>).toNodeTree();
Add a new Node from a React Element

<a onClick={() => {
// A fresh Node is a partial Node object
// where only the data.type property is required
const freshNode = {
data: {
type: 'h1'

// Create a new valid Node object from the fresh Node
const node = query.parseFreshNode(freshNode).toNode();
actions.add(node, 'ROOT');
Add a new Node from a Node object

Hiding and Deleting a Node

const Example = () => {
const {selectedNodeId, actions} = useEditor((state) => ({
return selectedNodeId && (
<h2>Node selected: {selectedNodeId}</h2>
<a onClick={() => actions.hide(selectedNodeId)}>Hide</a>
<a onClick={() => actions.delete(selectedNodeId)}>Delete</a>

Moving a Node

const Example = () => {
const [sourceId, setSourceId] = useState();
const [targetId, setTargetId] = useState();

const {selectedNodeId, actions, query} = useEditor((state) => ({

return selectedNodeId && (
<h2>Node selected: {selectedNodeId}</h2>
<input type="text" value={sourceId} placeholder="Source" disabled />
<button onClick={() => selectedNodeId && setSourceId(selectedNodeId)}>Set selected Node as source</button>
<input type="text" value={targetId} placeholder="Target" disabled />
<button onClick={() => selectedNodeId && setTargetId(selectedNodeId)}>Set selected Node as target</button>
sourceId && targeId ? (
<button onClick={() => {
try {
// .canDropInParent will throw an error message if the conditions failed
query.canDropInParent(sourceId, targetId);
actions.move(sourceId, targetId);
} catch (e) {
}}>Move Node</button>

Getting the currently selected Node's descendants

Query methods are also accessible from within the collector function.

import {useEditor} from "@craftjs/core";

const Example = () => {
const { selectedDescendants } = useEditor((state, query) => ({
selectedDescendants: && query.node( =>

return (
selectedDescendants && => <li>{id}</li> )

Displaying Drop Indicator for the best possible drop location

const Example = () => {
const [screenClick, setScreenClick] = useState(false);
const [sourceId, setSourceId] = useState();
const [targetId, setTargetId] = useState();

const {selectedNodeId, actions, query} = useEditor((state) => ({

const disableScreenClick = useEffect((e) => {
if(e.key === "Escape") {
}, [screenClick]);

const clickOnScreen = useEffect((e) => {
const {clientX: x, clientY: y} = e;
const dropIndicator = query.getDropIndicator(sourceId, targetId, {x, y});
}, [screenClick]);

useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("click", clickOnScreen);
window.addEventListener("keyup", disableScreenClick);
return (() => {
window.removeEventListener("click", clickOnScreen);
window.removeEventListener("keyup", disableScreenClick);
}, [clickOnScreen, disableScreenClick]);

return selectedNodeId && (
<h2>Node selected: {selectedNodeId}</h2>
<input type="text" value={sourceId} placeholder="Source" disabled />
<button onClick={() => selectedNodeId && setSourceId(selectedNodeId)}>Set selected Node as source</button>
<input type="text" value={targetId} placeholder="Target" disabled />
<button onClick={() => selectedNodeId && setTargetId(selectedNodeId)}>Set selected Node as target</button>
sourceId && targeId ? (
<button onClick={() => {
{screenClick ? "Click anywhere on the screen to display indicator" : "Start"}


import {useEditor} from "@craftjs/core";

const Example = () => {
const { canUndo, canRedo, actions } = useEditor((state, query) => ({
canUndo: query.history.canUndo(),
canRedo: query.history.canRedo()

return (
canUndo && <button onClick={() => actions.history.undo()}>Undo</button>
canRedo && <button onClick={() => actions.history.redo()}>Redo</button>

<button onClick={() => {
// The following action will be ignored by the history
// Hence, it will not be possible to undo/redo the following changes
actions.history.ignore().setProp("ROOT", props => prop.darkMode = !prop.darkMode);

<input type="text" onChange={e => {
// In cases where you need to perform an action in rapid successions
// It might be a good idea to throttle the changes
actions.history.throttle().setProp("ROOT", props => props.text =;
}} placeholder="Type some text" />

Legacy API

For Class Components, use connectEditor instead.

Higher-Order Component


  • collector(node: Node) => Collected
    A function that collects relevant state information from the corresponding Node. The component will re-render when the values returned by this function changes.

Injected Props

  • ...useEditor(collector)Object
    Identical return values as the useEditor() hook above


import { connectEditor } from "@craftjs/core";

class SidebarInner extends React.Component {
render() {
const { actions, query, enabled, currentSelectedNodeId } = this.props;
return (
<input type="checkbox" value={enabled} onChange={
e => actions.setOptions(options => options.enabled = !enabled)
} />
onClick={() => {
Serialize JSON to console

export const Sidebar = connectEditor((state) => ({